I’m referencing the 1990 American comedy film starring Dudley Moore, in which a bitter ad executive reaches his breaking point and begins telling too much truth in his ad copy. I re-watched Crazy People recently, and while I thought it was hilarious, I was also struck by how close to home the movie is to our current reality. Check out a few of his mock-ups:

Crazy, right? In the movie, these ads accidentally find their way into print, but it turns out that consumers go nuts over them and sales soar. Not so crazy.

The popular discussion around the brand table is one of authenticity. Being real, true to your brand, resonating and being honest. But really, how honest are we? Is it just me, or does it seem that brands are pandering to consumers in an attempt to be real, always jumping on the next “feel good” bandwagon? Do we find ourselves consistently worried about offending people, even if they aren’t our customers? How many times have you turned your back on a great idea because you thought it might cross the line?

Being authentic is not easy. Being honest in advertising, while still being sensitive, is even harder. Or at least it should be. In this crazy marketing climate where you have to disrupt or be different in order to stand out, pushing the limit is critical.

My suggestion is to test the waters of the absurd. If your current messaging doesn’t make you cringe, even just a bit, then maybe you aren’t pushing the boundaries of authenticity. A great example of a brand that pushes the limits and stays “true” is Wildfang. They know who they are, who they serve, and they aren’t afraid to say so.

I triple-dog dare you to create a little cringe-worthy messaging next time you speak to your customer. Need help pushing the limits of the absurd? Email me at loisb@bonfire5.com

And for a few more absurd ads from Crazy People, check out this clip.